Adventure Planning Blueprint.

Adventure Planning Blueprint is an all-in-one planning document which includes all the major aspects involved in expedition planning.


Be prepared.

Imagine THIS.

You are as prepared as you can be to take on this incredible adventure.

Preparation. One word, but so many aspects to it! Route planning, equipment selection, training, transport logistics, fund-raising, marketing and PR, risk management, and tons more of in-between details! Whether it is your first time or your hundredth time planning an adventure, there are some aspects of planning that you just cannot afford to leave out.

You feel confident about your decisions when it comes to this adventure.

You have made the big decision to set out on this life-affirming adventure. You feel invincible. You know that you have got what it takes to make big things happen! The root of your confidence is planning and preparation- not just physical and logistical but also mental- knowing that you have covered all the bases that you possibly can.

You understand this challenge that you’re taking on inside and out.

You know exactly what research to do when you hear people tell you to “Do Your Research”. You know which questions to ask when you come across someone who knows what they’re doing or someone who has done a similar adventure to what you’re planning before. You understand how to make the expert advice work for your needs and wants.

Why should I invest in this?

Know what you’re signing up for.

You’re literally transforming this massive idea into a real-life adventure. Of course, it’s daunting! Adventure Planning Blueprint can help you get started.

Plan for (almost) everything.

Planning is hard. Knowing what to plan for can be even harder, if this your first big adventure. And that’s why we offer an all-in-one adventure planning document with guidelines and templates so that you’ve got all the important bits covered.

Rinse and Repeat.

Whilst we boast about our customisable pages and templates, you can easily duplicate this blueprint to plan the rest of your adventures. Of course, there’ll be some changes to your requirements, but if you’re keen to have us help you set it up get in touch.

What’s included in Adventure Planning Blueprint?

Efficient Planning.

All of the relevant information in one place helps with organised thinking and efficient planning. Available in Notion. If you want it in Google Sheets/Docs or any other format, please do get in touch.

Relevant guidelines.

Step by step guidelines make it easy to understand where to start and what to consider when planning every aspect of your adventure. Expect several free resources sprinkled across the document.


Customisable templates with guidelines on how to make the most out of them. (includes sponsorship proposal, sponsorship email template, marketing plan, risk assessment, emergency response plan, route planning and MORE!)


Why are you the right person to be creating and selling Adventure Planning Blueprint?

I’m Vedangi. I have been on numerous expeditions ever since I was 17. You can read more about me on . I’ve got a whole lot of stuff go wrong during my expeditions including being chased by a bear, being mugged at knifepoint followed by being thrown into a ditch head first that caused a severe concussion,, having tons and tons of visa issues, getting caught in the middle of multiple blizzards and so much more! A lot of this was out of my control and (somehow, thankfully!) I made it through to the finish line, but I learnt an awful lot about the stuff I would do differently henceforth. Over the last couple of years, I’ve been involved in managing around seven remote expeditions. Along with that, I’ve been involved in several others that aren’t done through The Adventure Shed. Bringing the on-field experience of expeditions behind the scenes has meant that when it comes to adventure/expedition planning, I am able to see the wider perspective and make plans go forward efficiently.

How do I know if this is relevant to planning for my adventure?

Adventure Planning Blueprint includes all of the important aspects of planning an adventure/expedition. We believe in over-planning rather than showing up under-prepared. In that spirit, the blueprint covers enough details for planning bigger adventures and includes all the necessary details for planning. smaller one. Everything you need to know about your expedition can be fit into this one document. It’s customisable- so if there’s anything that you’d like to change, please do feel free to do so! The relevancy of this document depends upon the way you want to use it. If you have any questions regarding this, email me and let’s jump on a call!

Who is this created for?

Are you an adventure enthusiast? Are you planning your next big adventure? Are you planning on attempting a ‘World First’ or ‘Guinness World Record’ or some remote expedition involving complicated logistics? Are you facilitating an expedition? Do you have plans to head off on any domestic, international or an insanely remote recreational adventure? Do you like spending time in the outdoors? Are you curious about what goes on behind the scenes of any major expedition? Are you unsure where to start with your planning process? Are you exhausted in the process of raising enough funds to get to the start line of your expedition? Are you an experienced adventurer looking for an easy solution to plan your next big challenge? Are you overwhelmed by the process of planning your adventure/expedition? Are you just generally not a fan of planning but would like to bring some structure to your planning leading up to your next adventure? If you answered a YES to any of those questions, this one’s for you!

What if I don’t want to sign up to Notion and plan my adventure using it?

Most of The Adventure Shed is set up using Notion. We are big fans of having all of our shit together at one place. But we do understand that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Which is why if you’re not a fan of signing up to Notion, we have a Google Sheets+Docs version available too. Just ping us an email and someone from our team will send it over to you right away!

Can you help me customise this to my needs?

Absolutely! Please do feel free to email us or arrange a call to discuss this further.

I have a question that you haven’t answered over here.

Please feel free to send an email over from here.

We are here to help you plan your next adventure efficiently.